I have been wanting to rant about the Zimmerman case for the last few weeks since I heard the about the story on my AM news. This new video just gave me the incentive. My planned rant was going to include my total skepticism to the Zimmerman version of the incident. I mean come on, the whole accounting does not add up to “self-defense”!
First, it was around 9 PM on a Sunday night. What self-respecting criminal is looking for a heist at that time of night? Zimmerman …. the self-appointed head of neighborhood watch …… was getting ready to go grocery shopping. Many of his neighbors are awake to make 911 calls because all that screaming for help was disturbing their listening to the court room drama on “Desperate Housewives”.
So Georgie sees a baaad person walking around outside. He calls 911. Have you heard this call? Georgie says the suspicious person has “something wrong with him”! He could tell that all the way from inside his house because he took some criminal classes! Although, Georgie sounds like he had a few of something himself …….. hmmm has to get to the grocery store at 9PM!
He then goes outside while on the phone with the dispatchers to chase the kid ……. and he knows it is a kid because he tells the dispatcher he is a teen ………… and they tell him not to. He is still outside when the call ends and he wants the police to call him when they get to the gated community entrance. Why? You were a good citizen. You made your call. NORMAL people let the police handle it. That wasn’t good enough for a wanna-be-cop hero and able to catch a criminal before he hits the PUBLIX snack aisle Georgie. Already packin’ his pistol for the grocery store he gets in his car and hunts an unarmed kid down.
As Georgie tells it he was fearing for his life because the teenager half his size that he chased down to "corner" for the police was beating the crap out of him. Really???? Even if he was, you couldn't run to a neighbor ..... get back in your car ..... sit on him .... the only answer was shoot him? Now did that make sense? Oh and by the way Georgie that’s not what the new video shows either. There wasn’t a guy beaten to even half a pulp on that video.
What does make sense is Florida police screwed this one up. Let us hope for the sake of our justice system the Feds have a little more common sense from here on out.