I enjoy paranormal stories. Not the contrived “Tales from the Crypt” type nor the Hollywood movie treatment of the real life story. I want the real story from the real person and then I like to go to the real place and see for myself … NOT alone though.
A windfall for me (and family) is the huge crop of reality shows tackling the paranormal on TV for the last 10 years. We began our obsession every Sunday night watching MTV’s "FEAR" in 2000. For us, nothing has come close since. So, these newer programs will have to do ... sigh. The latest TV investigators are armed to the teeth with more techno gadgets than the Bat Cave. Yet w/ all these high-end devices I have still not seen anything caught that will convince me 100% of existence ..... I know I want to be a believer.... One of my choice team of investigators is the Paranormal Research Society on A&E’s “Paranormal State”. (http://www.aetv.com/paranormal-state/) Last night PRS had an episode near to my family’s heart: the legend of the “Jersey Devil” …. and you just thought it was the name of a hockey team!
Background … My parents and Grandmother lived in central and coastal New Jersey for over 20 years. We heard the "Devil" tale some time ago and have been keeping an eye out each visit ever since. Our family often took day trips thru the Pine Barrens (home to the Devil) to Renault Winery, Batsto Village, Tuckerton and Smithville. If you have ever been in the Barrens, then you know there is no better place to hide if you are a mythical legend. The picturesque area is stunning in an eerie sort of way. Lots of dense forest, black rivers, bays stretching back inland from the Atlantic Ocean, bogs, marshes, deserted buildings, sparse population, and desolate silence. Yep… this is where I would go not to be seen.
In the early 1990’s my parents rented a house in Leeds Point. Leed’s Point is known as the mortal birthplace of the "Devil" but my parents preferred to label the area “TICK & GREENHEAD HEAVEN”. One morning they found the roof/hood of their car covered in hoof prints. The region IS heavily populated with deer and deer do bazaar things …. but dancing all over a car? Never heard of this one ….. Pleeeease correct me if I wrong.
Other than having a creepy feeling of being watched at Batsto, HAVE I EVER SEEN ANYTHING? Nope. Never. Not that I did not want to. PRS thinks they may have though and …. in Leeds Point. Now to me, it looked like a deer on the “high density resolution digital night-vision thermal cam” … I’d bet Batman doesn’t have one of those ….. However, the PRS team (who has one and is not afraid to use it) claims the creature they captured on screen has wings. Maybe I need to go on their web site and look closer. Could this be the proof devil hunters have been looking for?
Speaking of the official hunters here is their web site: http://www.njdevilhunters.com/
There is a great deal of info on this site about the “Devil” legend and this group’s hunt for him .... or her. If you visit the page go to the ”Sightings” link for my favorite spine-chilling real life story: February 18, 2004.
If you would like to conduct your own “Devil” hunt in the New Jersey Pine Barrens ……. and do not want to admit it …… then employ our ruse and day trip to the places mentioned:
http://www.renaultwinery.com/ Never have had a bad vintage.
http://www.batstovillage.org/ Heart of the Pine Barrens. Call ahead to see if the mansion is open for tours.
http://www.tuckerton.com/ Not exactly in the Pine Barrens but the drive from Batsto takes you on the northern end of the Pines. Love lunch at Panini Bay Restaurant over looking Little Egg Harbor.
http://www.smithvillenj.com/ Near Leeds Point. Shopping and dinner at the Inn!
Even if you do not see a mystical creature you will not be sorry you visited the Pine Barrens…… oh …. bring tick spray!
A windfall for me (and family) is the huge crop of reality shows tackling the paranormal on TV for the last 10 years. We began our obsession every Sunday night watching MTV’s "FEAR" in 2000. For us, nothing has come close since. So, these newer programs will have to do ... sigh. The latest TV investigators are armed to the teeth with more techno gadgets than the Bat Cave. Yet w/ all these high-end devices I have still not seen anything caught that will convince me 100% of existence ..... I know I want to be a believer.... One of my choice team of investigators is the Paranormal Research Society on A&E’s “Paranormal State”. (http://www.aetv.com/paranormal-state/) Last night PRS had an episode near to my family’s heart: the legend of the “Jersey Devil” …. and you just thought it was the name of a hockey team!
Background … My parents and Grandmother lived in central and coastal New Jersey for over 20 years. We heard the "Devil" tale some time ago and have been keeping an eye out each visit ever since. Our family often took day trips thru the Pine Barrens (home to the Devil) to Renault Winery, Batsto Village, Tuckerton and Smithville. If you have ever been in the Barrens, then you know there is no better place to hide if you are a mythical legend. The picturesque area is stunning in an eerie sort of way. Lots of dense forest, black rivers, bays stretching back inland from the Atlantic Ocean, bogs, marshes, deserted buildings, sparse population, and desolate silence. Yep… this is where I would go not to be seen.
In the early 1990’s my parents rented a house in Leeds Point. Leed’s Point is known as the mortal birthplace of the "Devil" but my parents preferred to label the area “TICK & GREENHEAD HEAVEN”. One morning they found the roof/hood of their car covered in hoof prints. The region IS heavily populated with deer and deer do bazaar things …. but dancing all over a car? Never heard of this one ….. Pleeeease correct me if I wrong.
Other than having a creepy feeling of being watched at Batsto, HAVE I EVER SEEN ANYTHING? Nope. Never. Not that I did not want to. PRS thinks they may have though and …. in Leeds Point. Now to me, it looked like a deer on the “high density resolution digital night-vision thermal cam” … I’d bet Batman doesn’t have one of those ….. However, the PRS team (who has one and is not afraid to use it) claims the creature they captured on screen has wings. Maybe I need to go on their web site and look closer. Could this be the proof devil hunters have been looking for?
Speaking of the official hunters here is their web site: http://www.njdevilhunters.com/
There is a great deal of info on this site about the “Devil” legend and this group’s hunt for him .... or her. If you visit the page go to the ”Sightings” link for my favorite spine-chilling real life story: February 18, 2004.
If you would like to conduct your own “Devil” hunt in the New Jersey Pine Barrens ……. and do not want to admit it …… then employ our ruse and day trip to the places mentioned:
http://www.renaultwinery.com/ Never have had a bad vintage.
http://www.batstovillage.org/ Heart of the Pine Barrens. Call ahead to see if the mansion is open for tours.
http://www.tuckerton.com/ Not exactly in the Pine Barrens but the drive from Batsto takes you on the northern end of the Pines. Love lunch at Panini Bay Restaurant over looking Little Egg Harbor.
http://www.smithvillenj.com/ Near Leeds Point. Shopping and dinner at the Inn!
Even if you do not see a mystical creature you will not be sorry you visited the Pine Barrens…… oh …. bring tick spray!
I didn't know that house was in Leeds Point. And I DEFINITELY never heard the "hooves on the car roof" story. Y'all have been holding out on me.