I start my new job tomorrow! …. Excitement abounding …. Yes … in these hard economic times I found new employment. YEAH! .... AND it is in my field …. double YEAH! ……
Those who know me are familiar with my 20 + year trek in trying to become an engineer. I quit my office job at 23 and became a server at night to become a full time student by day .… it was actually called a “waitress” back then …. Went to the big local University, met a guy, married, had a baby, dropped out, made waiting tables a full time profession, had another baby, spent all my extra money on ballerina, singing and piano lessons. I tried to take a class here and there, worked other meaningless jobs and finally said in my late 30’s: "If I’m gonna do it, I’d better do it NOW!"
I went back to school at the local Community College (got full paid scholarship), attended a summer program at Harvard Graduate School of Design and finished up the dream at the University of Pittsburgh School of Engineering ...... partial scholarship so, I'm only partially in debt $$$.
When I graduated in December of 2002 I was offered positions at two companies I dreamed of working for. It broke my heart when I had to turn them down because they were not positions available in my city. Let’s face it: If I was 22 and single I would have picked up and never looked back but, the sacrifices of having home & family kept me here. It took me almost a year …. And back to serving tables for a couple months ….. to find a job in a large national construction company that opened a local office. Unfortunately, things were not going well for them ….. the theory of low man on the totem pole tipped and fell on me …. I was laid off a year later. I then went to work for a smaller commercial building firm that went out of business last Fall and …. You guess it that pole fell on me again … I found myself older … which is a scary thing when you are looking for a job with a bunch of younger unemployed semi-new college grads …. and laid off during a economic crisis. Sniff … sniff ……..
I’mmm baaaaack ……… look out local construction ....… all run by men ……. I’ve got some ketchin’ up to do! So, look forward to some boring, technical, ...... YAWN .... historical, dull, ... I'm good at dull ... only interest to other engineer stories …… I’ll try to keep it light too … I am, afterall, still feeling my way in this BLOG!
Oh it is time for a little Susan Boyle now .... I still tear-up a little when I hear her sing this ..... I feel a little connection to her at this moment ...........
Those who know me are familiar with my 20 + year trek in trying to become an engineer. I quit my office job at 23 and became a server at night to become a full time student by day .… it was actually called a “waitress” back then …. Went to the big local University, met a guy, married, had a baby, dropped out, made waiting tables a full time profession, had another baby, spent all my extra money on ballerina, singing and piano lessons. I tried to take a class here and there, worked other meaningless jobs and finally said in my late 30’s: "If I’m gonna do it, I’d better do it NOW!"
I went back to school at the local Community College (got full paid scholarship), attended a summer program at Harvard Graduate School of Design and finished up the dream at the University of Pittsburgh School of Engineering ...... partial scholarship so, I'm only partially in debt $$$.
When I graduated in December of 2002 I was offered positions at two companies I dreamed of working for. It broke my heart when I had to turn them down because they were not positions available in my city. Let’s face it: If I was 22 and single I would have picked up and never looked back but, the sacrifices of having home & family kept me here. It took me almost a year …. And back to serving tables for a couple months ….. to find a job in a large national construction company that opened a local office. Unfortunately, things were not going well for them ….. the theory of low man on the totem pole tipped and fell on me …. I was laid off a year later. I then went to work for a smaller commercial building firm that went out of business last Fall and …. You guess it that pole fell on me again … I found myself older … which is a scary thing when you are looking for a job with a bunch of younger unemployed semi-new college grads …. and laid off during a economic crisis. Sniff … sniff ……..
I’mmm baaaaack ……… look out local construction ....… all run by men ……. I’ve got some ketchin’ up to do! So, look forward to some boring, technical, ...... YAWN .... historical, dull, ... I'm good at dull ... only interest to other engineer stories …… I’ll try to keep it light too … I am, afterall, still feeling my way in this BLOG!
Oh it is time for a little Susan Boyle now .... I still tear-up a little when I hear her sing this ..... I feel a little connection to her at this moment ...........
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I am not a prudey girl but, keep it somewhat clean. Of course, stay on topic unless, "DUH", it is an OPEN post. No threats or disparaging remarks to those that disagree with you. Silly and redundant comments going to a place where the post was not intended will be deleted. Good old "Common Sense" is always welcome! If you are having trouble defining Common Sense then maybe this is not the place for YOU!