I WON'T, DON'T, CAN'T, SHOULDN'T, WOULDN'T shop at Walmart. As a matter of fact, Walmart could close down and I would not miss them. They came to my area about ten + years ago and the first time I went in .... Christmas season no less ..... I could not wait to get the hell out! Since my harrowing experience that one Christmas season in the late '90's, I could probably count on one hand ... okay maybe a few fingers on the other hand too ...... the times I've been in a Walmart. My apology to those that shop there on a regular basis ..... but I never felt so high class flutin' in all my life. I know, I know .... BEEEOTCH! .... I gladly accept the diva crown and title.
By the early 2000's I was in an engineering school ethics class .... yes we engineers have ethics .... part of the class was a mid-term paper on an chosen ethical subject within the construction industry. I chose commercial and residential urbanism fleeing to the suburbs ..... I was channeling my influence from a Harvey Milk speech, I know, I know.... In my web searches for fault w/ structural designers stripping away virgin forests while brown sites vacated by former industries sat empty and forlorn in cityscapes ..... I'm getting off my soap box now ...... information of another recently exposed wastefulness in the construction industry caught my eye termed: "disposable architecture". The term was derived by the building practices of Walmart. Walmart may have not invented "disposable architecture" but they sure perfected it. In case you are unaware of the term, disposable architecture refers to the commercial practice of building structures to last roughly 20 years. 20 years is when the life cycle of significant ... i.e., expensive.... building components need replaced. Instead of replacing them Walmart tears down the whole building, throws it in a landfill and constructs another usually close by. Have you noticed the incomplete nature of the warehouse edifice of your local Walmart? Little drywall and paint, no completed ceilings, inexpensive flooring, exposed steel framing, electrical wiring, ducts, and pipes, and when was the last time your local store remodeled the public restroom? Probably never and they don’t plan on it either because the toilet warranty has long expired and using yellow caution tape over the door of a stall is much more cost effective. Of course other Brands now subscribe to this practice too since it works so well for Walmart.
Of course ... warning .. hopping back on the soap box.... the long laundry list of Walmart atrocities that happens behind those cheap doors in that disposable building is probably more shocking to the general public: Low wages, preventing full time w/benefits putting a strain on public welfare healthcare system, contriving on how to close small local businesses, sexual and racial discrimination, child labor violations, uses of known foreign sweatshops ..... THE LIST GOES ON ..... all of it to provide cheap products while maximizing profits. WHAT OTHER COMPANY CAN YOU NAME THAT HAS MADE SIX PEOPLE BILLIONAIRES AT THE SAME TIME? Which brings us to the Bill Gates billionaires pledge .... yes I know it took me a long time to get to this point. There was much background to my dislike .... not one of these six billionaires have signed it. Think about it: Half of 22 billion (Christy Walton's est. fortune) is 11 billion .... she would still have 11 BILLION !!!!!!!
No ... Christy I know I'm done with Walmart .... gee I still hope you can still buy that next non-essential thing.
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I am not a prudey girl but, keep it somewhat clean. Of course, stay on topic unless, "DUH", it is an OPEN post. No threats or disparaging remarks to those that disagree with you. Silly and redundant comments going to a place where the post was not intended will be deleted. Good old "Common Sense" is always welcome! If you are having trouble defining Common Sense then maybe this is not the place for YOU!