Monday, May 7, 2012


The Fortune 500's list of America's largest Corporations came out today. Does it surprise you that within the top 4 are 3 oil companies?  Nooo?  How does our elected government let this happen? During a reported oil "shortage" the shysters persons of business ... dare... post record earnings. How do you make more $$$$$$$$ selling less?  I must of been absent that lecture day in economics class!

BUT why isn't this a top presidential political platform. I hear so little of any resolutions, except to rape and ravage federal and state pristine forests, game lands, parks, etc. ........ don't even get me started about pollution and greenhouse effects!!!!   This isn't hard!!!  We have made strides in wind, water and solar power. All of it is old old ooold technology but yet it seems never to expand beyond a few grid systems. Okay we all know about the lobbyist system in our government and the big contribution machine to political campaigns .... they need a boot out of government too!

20 years ago I remember seeing the invention of hydrogen cars.  Hydrogen a cleaner "burning" fuel when processed to use in a purer state and we have a ton it in our atmosphere. 20 years later there isn't one in my driveway!!! I doubt yours either due to the expense and limited "hyrostations". If someone found a way to make this cheaper, EXXON would be giving their "shortage" away for practically nothing.  I would feel so bad for them  ... sniff sniff  

OH ... Who is the other bottomdweller bloodsucker reputable conglomerate in the top 4? I'll give you a hint:

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