Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I’m home sick today ….. THIRD illness in the last 2 months … ugh it needs to go away!  It is really the fault of people and people like me. You know the “dedicated” ones that go to work when they are sick!

It started with one of the other engineer’s in the office trying to negotiate closeouts with meetings …. Probably with other sickies ……. before the unspoken “holiday break” ….. I swear NO ONE works in Construction from mid-December to the beginning of January  ……   She was in the office coughing, snotting, barely able to even speak AND she looked absolutely horrible. There was no hiding her sickie sign indicators. By Friday, I was dizzy, sore throat and feverish late afternoon so I had allll weekend  …..  the week before Christmas yet  ….. to stay home on the couch to recover.

Finally, I went on my “Christmas break” ….   Otherwise known as using up all my left over vacation days I purposely saved so I could take off the last 2 weeks of the year ………. I thought I was safe from all the office germs BUT, I was wrong. Daughters were out there working Christmas retail jobs coming into contact with … yes you guessed it …..  sickies who came out to shop and infect the rest of the population!  By New Year’s Eve my nose would only stop running with the help of a box of tissues shoved up it. SIDE NOTE: GOO had that cold spray you spritz in your mouth that is supposed to ward off the onset of the cold. Daughters tried it and it worked! Me …. Not so much ……

On my return to the office January 2nd,  I was getting the “Why don’t you go home?” looks. I just came back from vacation dam it! …. I'm gonna stay here for a little while. However, the anonymous placement of the “Hazard” tape across my office door finally made me realize I was not wanted. So I went home Thursday afternoon not to return till Monday.

I've been doing good the last 2 weeks and then it happen ……. I could hear it from the other office: the undeniable sounds of another sickie. Yes, now it was my boss turn and of course he was working half days last week. Apparently he had a theory that if you only work half days you do not contaminate as many of your co-workers, hmmmmm ....... maybe I’ll only be half as sick!!!

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I am not a prudey girl but, keep it somewhat clean. Of course, stay on topic unless, "DUH", it is an OPEN post. No threats or disparaging remarks to those that disagree with you. Silly and redundant comments going to a place where the post was not intended will be deleted. Good old "Common Sense" is always welcome! If you are having trouble defining Common Sense then maybe this is not the place for YOU!