Since hooking up my new digital cable box, I have been playing catch up with my “Ghost” programs. “Ghost Hunters” on SyFy is one I missed the most and the longest! Last night was a full line-up of repeats and a new episode. My interest was peaked by the repeat more than the new episode …. Which featured Fort Ticonderoga …… let me catch you up … not much happen …. In the repeat, the team visited the house of Doctor Samuel Mudd … hit the link … look him up …. won’t hurt it’s a history lesson ……. During the visit the team captured a disembodied voice/EVP saying … or so they tell me it said …”I’m not guilty”. I’ve heard some of these EVP voice recordings before on this show … and others … I mostly find them indistinct as proof for paranormal existance.
As for evidence searching goes I've been to Gettysburg quite a few times in the previous Fall seasons. I have found "orbs" on pictures I took at the Daniel Lady Farm on a ghost hunt with "The Ghosts of Gettysburg" tour company. One evening during one of our visits myself, oldest daughter and hubby went out on the battlefield ... Devil's Den to be precise. We heard the legend where cameras are often batted out of people's hands when trying to photograph a certain spot where a famous photo is taken. Brave daughter dear took the picture .... while I cowered behind .... and basically nothing happen.
Next time I do go on a ghost hunt I want to try the EVP and see what I get …. Someday … I want a bunch of people to go with me …. mostly for protection ….. MY protection, I’m a scaredy cat … but I want to find out if this stuff is for real …. Who wants to come? If nothing else at least we will receive a history lesson.
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