I have been following the story of gay teen Constance McMillian in Mississippi. Constance wanted to bring her girlfriend to her senior prom. Before that could happen the School District issued a policy that all dates must be of the opposite sex. The ACLU began fighting the issue for Constance. So, when the school district’s head dim-wits poked their toothless faces out from under their white hoods and found themselves backed into a outhouse corner so far in the boondocks even Big Foot had problems smelling them, the district retaliated and cancelled the prom. They cancelled the prom rather than allow something their backwoods mentality could not comprehend. By doing this they showed every child in the school district how to deal with prejudice. Squash it!
"Yeah, ….spit ….. we aren goin’ to cancel’r that there fancy dance ‘cause …’cause … it will stop people from being one of dem dere gays … maybe it’r work on bein’ black ….. orn better yet a dem der liberals. "
No surprise ... a US District judge ruled in Constance’s favor. Unfortunately, since her classmates were punished for her natural right to be gay, Constance does not feel welcome at the private prom now being held for her senior class. I hope she changes her mind. The pains and joys of High School senior year are only once.
GOOD LUCK TO YOU CONSTANCE ..... there is another world out there!Photo credit: AP – FILE
Lovin' my liberal mah <3