I know I said I would try NOT to post the same thing as any of the other blogs I read but this is an exception ........ Pictured is Christopher Barton. He is the son of another blogger from another site I read often ..... I don't think she reads here but it doesn't matter ........ From what I read he died in Afghanistan on Monday, May 24, 2010. His mom goes by the name This.Army.Mom and has a site she writes on ... it may have been a Facebook .... about him. I visited it once when she left a link on TheDirtyDisher blog site.
I personally do not know this woman but, I could tell she was very proud of him. I don't think she will mind he is on my site too. I believe she would want as many people as possible to know what her son gave for his/our country. A scholarship has been set-up for that purpose .. click here.
Here is wishing the Barton family well and wholeness and peace!