For years he gave me the same sad excuse … from some stored away book of excuses on Mt Olympus probably …… as to why we could not install a dishwasher in our present kitchen. My favorite?: “We’re moving.” …this is another rant for another time ….. so why put more money into a house we are leaving? 10 plus years later … you guess it …. I’m still here.
3 years ago I decided since “We’re moving” a dishwasher would actually be a selling point. Without any more discussions with G.O.O. I bought the dishwasher and hired the people to install it. He wasn’t happy and thus the real reason came forth … he saw no need for a dishwasher. And the battle began. He won’t use it!!!!!!!!!! He would rather wash the dishes by hand and dry them gulp! with a towel …. I don’t what it dried before hand either, yuck ... yuck .... yuck ……. He has actually taken dirty dishes that I put in, out of the dishwasher and washed them. I have been reduced to sneaking the dishes into my appliance and turning it on before I leave for work in the morning, all so he doesn't try to do them while I'm gone.
I thought I had a good pile of dishes this morning but he rushed in and washed them! He is a sick man!
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