Apparently ..... the Secret Service can! The Salahis ….you remember the obnoxious fame-seeking husband and wife that crashed a State Dinner last November …… were stopped outside … this time …. the White House last night (Wednesday). Another State Dinner was in progress .… where they were once again NOT INVITED ….. in honor of the Mexican President. The hounds were stopped for running a red light and turning into the Ellipse parking - a restricted area! Though there is no proof of it, undoubly the Secret Service caught them before they could try and make a run for it to the check-in gate. This time the crash attempt included a pack of friends in tow ….. AND cameras! Cameras? Oh yes … they got their reality show in case you did not hear. They are now part of the cast/circus in Bravo’s “The Real Housewives Of Washington DC”!
Just what every disgusting fame hound needs to lap up and gorge on any scrap that falls into their disgusting filthy; self-serving; notoriety hunting dog bowl: a reality show ….. YUM! Seriously, what is wrong with Bravo? The couple is still under investigating for their first attempt and could be charged, fined or jailed. I like the last option the best! If it comes to light that BRAVO’s production company knew this …aka … the cameras ready in position … they too should be held as an accessory in putting the life of the President in danger. At the very least, since they tried it again, criminal trespass!
With the Salahi’s attempt to put the lives in jeopardy of every statesman at this dinner by showing every probable terrorist how to accomplish an assassination attempt on high profile Politicians aborted, what would any fame seeking whore bitch hound do? Why go to dinner with their entourage of loser wanna bes at a restaurant ……. literally 2 blocks from the grounds of the White House ….. instead.
Eat up hound dogs! If fame is your master. Then remember the hunting dog sometimes gets his tail accidentally shot off by its huntsman!
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