Sunday, April 29, 2012


SIGH ........ After spending $520 on a hair cut .... or 2 as the stylist tells it  .... or 15 as Nadya imagines tells it ... AND borrowing $450K last year  .... how much was this house?  ..... to buy the current home for her "children" ...... tomorrow the Octomom house will be on the auction block. Yet, the CYS in California that visited her again this week claim "the children are in no imminent danger".  

Oh the guy who lent her the $450k to purchase the house?  ... he is suing her for it?  Surprise!  

Let's see how many hair cuts does that come to ..... $520 divided by + or - (14) + truth - Brazilian blowout + Radar Online pic purchases - denial + added TV exposure via scandal X multiplied by another CYS visit  ...............

Editorial Cartoon credit: Alycia Rockey, The Daily Eastern News

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Babs is 70 today! Seriously I love this picture of her taken last year. GORGEOUS! 
Singer ...
writer ...
director ...
producer ...
academy award winner ...
feminist ...
activist ...
philanthropist ....
legend ..... What can I tell you about her that you do not already know?

"One thing's for sure: now when I look at Funny Girl (1968), I think I was gorgeous. I was too beautiful to play Fanny Brice"."

"I arrived in Hollywood without having my nose fixed, my teeth capped, or my name changed. That is very gratifying to me."

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Yes! They are still ALIVE ....

At Easter dinner, my in-laws and I got on to the subject of celebs that are still alive.  My in-laws are music fanatics ..... if I'm EVER on WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE and the question is Rock 'n Roll music I'm calling one of them ..... so they were naming all the music icons of the 50's, 60's still alive. Even I already knew most of the people they mentioned were still alive. So, I joined the conversation and rattled off the old movie stars I knew were still alive! .... I'm pretty sure I topped their 60's Rock 'n Rollers with my 30's/40's golden age of Hollywood icons. As a matter of fact, one of the In-laws looked at me and said "How do you know all this?". I shrugged. See if you can add to my list:

Olivia de Havilland, her REAL sister Joan Fontaine and her Gone With The Wind co-star Ann Rutherford .... Scarlett's sister.
Child actors  ...... Micky Rooney, Shirley Temple and Shirley's nemesis ... you might remember her as Josephine the plumber ... Jane Withers
Arlene Dahl and Ester Williams ... their connection both married to Fernando Lamas
Luis Rainer ... WHO? ... what do I look like a Wikipedia ..... look her up             

Saturday, April 14, 2012

IRRITATING CRAP MY HUSBAND DOES ...... or the husband who won't use Tupperware .... a working title!


THE God Of Organization .... G.O.O. for short ... and chief inspector of health around here, refuses to learn how to use the Tupperware. Before I married him I owned almost every storage container Tupperware made. I'm now a Ziploc goddess but I kept the one thing no one else could make like Tupperware .... THE LETTUCE KEEPER!!! It really really really works in keeping the lettuce fresh. However, I can't convince my GOO to ever use it. Wha? ... brown and wilty not appetizing?

Ah well, since I'm into the phytonutrients now so, I don't eat iceberg anymore anyways .... happy eating GOO!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I was reminiscing this past week about Easter season … not really the religious aspects but activities that surrounded it. Growing up Roman Catholic in a neighborhood where 95% of my neighbors were also of that faith, our school at one time was the largest Catholic school in the Diocese. The grounds of our parish were almost a campus compared to the surrounding parishes. The essence of the local Catholic church's Easter preparation effect on home and community included:

The Parish bazaar – I never realized it till was I was older but technically this was a version of “Fat Tuesday” only over a loooong weekend before Lent. Everyone from the parish attended. They gave away great prizes on the chance wheels too! Huge stuffed animals, 10 lb hams and sugar, bikes, small local merchant gift baskets, etc …. The food? It wasn’t this prepackaged stuff you get at the local carnivals now! Parish woman were tripping over one another cookin’ up a fresh storm in the small “social hall” kitchen. And the gambling …… casinos had nothing on this crowd …. No chance getting a seat at the poker tables let me tell you!

Lenten Eating – Lent was a big limiting the meat intake season. So, my Mom made pierogies. I mean HUNDREDS of them. It took her all day. She made two kinds: potato and dry cottage cheese ….. my favorite! I don’t know how she did it. I tried to make one batch …. 75 pierogies ….. for Christmas. First, try to find dry cottage cheese ….. it’s a dying pierogie art I say. Speaking of a dying art …. my mom also made pierogies the old fashion way with two dough circles NOT that circle fold over like everyone else does now. Her pierogies were how her direct from Poland Grandmother made them resembling mini flying saucers. This is how I make them and I was wore out …… EVEN WITH SOME DAUGHTER HELP!

Lenten Torture – Giving something up you enjoyed and attending Wednesday afternoon marathon STATIONS …… if your Catholic, you know what I mean … ENOUGH SAID!

Lenten Fashion-ista Shopping – When else would you look for a pink, lilac or yellow dress topped off with flowery sun hat and a shiny pair of white patent leathers?

Good Friday – School was closed. All offices were closed. Retail stores were open BUT they closed Noon to 3PM. Noon to 3PM no one in the neighborhood left their homes! If you did you better be going to the hospital emergency room or already in the 3 HOUR STATIONS at Church!

My parish has been gone for years. The school, even after merging with surrounding Catholic schools, closed about 5 years ago. The religious rationale for Easter I have “issues” with and will leave the discussion for those who have a better argument than I. All I can recreate …. sometimes …. is the pierogies!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

IRRITATING CRAP MY HUSBAND DOES ...... or the husband who still believes in the Easter Bunny .... a working title!

Easter came early this year ..... Oldest daughter came home Sunday (Mon Tues Wed) to visit for the holiday ..... she has to work on the actual day ..... so, back she goes ..... sniff

GOO still believes his 20-something daughters are 5. He still buys them candy. He still gets out their baskets and fills them. He still hides the baskets and makes the girls look for them. He hid one for me this year too. I guess two young woman scouring the house for chocolate isn't enough. It's much more entertaining when you add a pre-menopausal one in on the chocolate treasure hunt too!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Tomorrow is "Worldwide Autism Awareness Day". To bring attention to this disorder that affects 10's of millions of people across the globe, the United Nations General Assembly has asked those who want to show their support to wear BLUE.