THE God Of Organization .... G.O.O. for short ... and chief inspector of health around here, refuses to learn how to use the Tupperware. Before I married him I owned almost every storage container Tupperware made. I'm now a Ziploc goddess but I kept the one thing no one else could make like Tupperware .... THE LETTUCE KEEPER!!! It really really really works in keeping the lettuce fresh. However, I can't convince my GOO to ever use it. Wha? ... brown and wilty not appetizing?
Ah well, since I'm into the phytonutrients now so, I don't eat iceberg anymore anyways .... happy eating GOO!
Oh you kids and your containers. And I think this is definitely the first and last time I'll ever see/hear someone refer to themselves as a "ziploc goddess."
ReplyDeleteWhaa? I'm also the "Goddess of Construction" at work don't forget!