Saturday, April 21, 2012

Yes! They are still ALIVE ....

At Easter dinner, my in-laws and I got on to the subject of celebs that are still alive.  My in-laws are music fanatics ..... if I'm EVER on WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE and the question is Rock 'n Roll music I'm calling one of them ..... so they were naming all the music icons of the 50's, 60's still alive. Even I already knew most of the people they mentioned were still alive. So, I joined the conversation and rattled off the old movie stars I knew were still alive! .... I'm pretty sure I topped their 60's Rock 'n Rollers with my 30's/40's golden age of Hollywood icons. As a matter of fact, one of the In-laws looked at me and said "How do you know all this?". I shrugged. See if you can add to my list:

Olivia de Havilland, her REAL sister Joan Fontaine and her Gone With The Wind co-star Ann Rutherford .... Scarlett's sister.
Child actors  ...... Micky Rooney, Shirley Temple and Shirley's nemesis ... you might remember her as Josephine the plumber ... Jane Withers
Arlene Dahl and Ester Williams ... their connection both married to Fernando Lamas
Luis Rainer ... WHO? ... what do I look like a Wikipedia ..... look her up             


  1. Yea, Mah, why DO you know about all these random old timey actors???

  2. I found a few more when I really looked:
    Maureen O'Hara - Esmeralda in the Hunchback of Notre Dame
    Deanna Durbin
    Jane Powell ... there are more ... some you may not have heard of!
    Lauren Bacall,Kirk Douglas, Doris Day, Louis Jourdan - who I knew were still living but I thought more of 50's stars

  3. I had a teacher at AMDA who said I was a little bit like Jane Powell. :)


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