Ho Hum …. still trying to stay on my New Year’s resolution of lose weight, exercise more or at the very least ….. eat better! So far, after 1 -1/2 months we have Weight loss: 2 lbs … better than gaining I guess ... joined a gym … started out at 5 times now I’m down to paltry 1-2 times a week … I’m headed there now.
We came back from shopping a little while ago and I bought my new "try-it" veggie: Swiss Chard. Saw it on the info screen that flashes nutritional information while I was on the treadmill at the gym … Yeah, yeah I’m going ……. I‘ve heard of it before but I don’t know what I’m going to do with it. But, hey the info board says it is really really really nutritional!!! Actually THE healthiest veggie out there …. I'll let you know about that when I figure out what it is going to go with … or in …. or by itself … with spices ... its pretty ... maybe it will look good in vase?
Maybe it's the word "chard," but it always sounded like it would be bitter. Is it expensive? Let me know if you come up with any tasty uses for it!