Its SUPERBOWL day .... yawn! ..... and the biggest news story I've heard all week is that Gisele Bundchen stuck her size 11's in her mouth again! Oh yes! ... please please please ... pray for Tom Brady to get another $100K Superbowl ring. Seriously!?!?!?!
Okay, so the world let Gisele know now that GOD has better things to do than dole out additional unnecessary blessings to the more than they deserve already blessed. Which come to think of it ... I'm gonna get a little "catty" here ..... the Bundchen supermodel career is a life learning testament to all those so-called 6 foot "ugly ducklings" out there suffering in high school land. Did you ever take a good look at Gisele. This is no "jaw dropping beauty" ... as I often see her touted ... she is pretty plain Jane, maybe even ... dare I say it ... kinda homely! Do you really think a high school Tom Brady ... undoubtly the school's Mr. popular .... would have even taken a second look at her then. HELL NO!!!! ..... I guarantee he was dating the prettiest petite blonde cheerleader with the biggest boobs and roundest camel butt.
So with that I say to Gisele .... GOD has already blessed you with an over rated fruitful career, an NFL superstar to snuggle up to at night, enough money to bail out Greece and has enabled you to cast some spell over shorter men who look up and see an average girl as some sort of goddess ..... must be those Victoria Secret wings she prances around in. Indeed, Gisele is proof there is hope for the rest of us .... although being 6 foot and 120 lbs may help too.
Photo credit: Joe Kohen/Getty
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