Okay here is something "silly" but, true. So be warned .… I burned my face. A second degree burn with a blister, no less. Don’t worry I’m not terribly marred for life, the mark is about a 1/8” round … pimple size if you will. How did I do such a stupid thing? I was lighting a candle. The matches I used were those boxed stick matches you see at check-out. Never had issue before but we bought the larger, longer, sturdier ones apparently. They were out of them at Christmas time so we bought the shorter ones …. STAY AWAY FROM THEM …. They are very flimsy, both the sulfur tip and the wooden part. My “accidents” with them have been:
- · On lighting the fireplace. The wood stick broke in half 3 different times burn my hand, shirt and started some pine branch needles ... that I was going to use for kindling ... on fire ... before I got them on the fire!
- · Lit a (different) candle. I watched the sulfur tip fly back and land on the rug. You guessed it … burn my rug!!!
The last straw was when I was lighting a candle in the bathroom before company arrived. Sulfur tip flew back at me, landed and stuck on my cheek .... OUCH!!!! ... could not get it off fast enough before the damage was done. Finally threw the dozen pack away. I can’t even blame China … they were made in the USA!!!!!
Careful, Mah! I don't have the $$$ to get you an attendant to watch you yet!