Thursday, March 29, 2012


I have been wanting to rant about the Zimmerman case for the last few weeks since I heard the about the story on my AM news. This new video just gave me the incentive. My planned rant was going to include my total skepticism to the Zimmerman version of the incident. I mean come on, the whole accounting does not add up to “self-defense”!

First, it was around 9 PM on a Sunday night. What self-respecting criminal is looking for a heist at that time of night? Zimmerman …. the self-appointed head of neighborhood watch …… was getting ready to go grocery shopping. Many of his neighbors are awake to make 911 calls because all that screaming for help was disturbing their listening to the court room drama on “Desperate Housewives”.

So Georgie sees a baaad person walking around outside. He calls 911. Have you heard this call? Georgie says the suspicious person has “something wrong with him”! He could tell that all the way from inside his house because he took some criminal classes! Although, Georgie sounds like he had a few of something himself …….. hmmm has to get to the grocery store at 9PM!

He then goes outside while on the phone with the dispatchers to chase the kid ……. and he knows it is a kid because he tells the dispatcher he is a teen ………… and they tell him not to. He is still outside when the call ends and he wants the police to call him when they get to the gated community entrance. Why? You were a good citizen. You made your call. NORMAL people let the police handle it. That wasn’t good enough for a wanna-be-cop hero and able to catch a criminal before he hits the PUBLIX snack aisle Georgie. Already packin’ his pistol for the grocery store he gets in his car and hunts an unarmed kid down.

As Georgie tells it he was fearing for his life because the teenager half his size that he chased down to "corner" for the police was beating the crap out of him. Really???? Even if he was, you couldn't run to a neighbor ..... get back in your car ..... sit on him .... the only answer was shoot him? Now did that make sense? Oh and by the way Georgie that’s not what the new video shows either. There wasn’t a guy beaten to even half a pulp on that video.

What does make sense is Florida police screwed this one up. Let us hope for the sake of our justice system the Feds have a little more common sense from here on out.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

FEMALE FIREFIGHTERS FIGHTING FIRE ... uuuuh ... Wait a minute?!?

Did you see this? (click) When I first saw this .... the forward thinker that I am .... I thought "What is the big deal? SO, the ladies had to come from some wedding to put out the car fire!" Not quite. Those are male firefighters who jump off their fundraising float ..... not sure how that works dressing in drag to raise money ....... in a parade to put this fire out.

This reminded me of a riddle I heard as a kid in the '70's ... I saw it later in an "All In the Family" episode too ..... I was hangin' at the community pool when this annoying younger kid I usually avoided came up to tell me this riddle:
  • A man and his son are driving home from a basketball game,when they have a terrible accident.The man is taken to the emergency room for treatment and the boy is taken straight to the operating table. The surgeon comes over to the operating table, sees the boy and says,"I can't operate on this patient, he's my son!" Who is the doctor?
I gave her that tiresome look like I always gave her .... in my head I was saying what kind of riddle is this you weirdo ........... and blurted out: "It's his mother!". To her surprise I knew the answer.

Why wasn't I suppose to know the answer? Did I mention it was the '70's? This riddle stumped many many many people then because no one could imagine or even dare think women could be surgeons ....... ladies things have changed for the better some what! However, now I see men in drag and think they are women just doing their job.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


sniff sniff ..... Can it be? Fred Rogers has been gone for 9 years now. Since I grew-up in Pittsburgh, I always thought he was just a local show. I never realized how many generations of children .... including my own .... nation wide he mesmerized till probably the Saturday Night Live skit with Eddie Murphy.

Even though I probably came close ..... being in the same "neighborhood" so to speak .... I never bumped into him around here. The closest I ever came to him, other than the TV set, was the time one of my mothers friends was a fairy Godmother on one of his earlier PBS shows.

Hopefully, the innocent appeal of his many characters will remain in repeats a long long time for many more generations.

  • McFeely, was his middle name as well as his much loved Grandfather. The Mr. McFeely character is alive and well in Pittsburgh. He still is a staple making appearances at local TV and events.
  • Fred's mom made most of the sweaters he wore on the show.
  • He was an ordained Minister
  • Pittsburgh locals Micheal Keaton and Ming Na got their acting starts in the "Neighborhood". I swear Dennis Miller got a start their too but, I can't find the confirmation on the net.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Rick Santorum has now focused on one of the country’s most pressing issues as he sees it from his campaign trail. Yes, Americans when Rick is President ….. Gaaaaaag ……. He will save all Americans from the dreaded porn industry because as you know this is what is really bring down the American economy and world opinion of us. Yes Americans, forget that old tired on-going, fiscal draining, brave military killing, hunting down the “destroy America” terrorists war in Afghanistan. Forget about the fact you cannot find a decent paying job, the bank is foreclosing on your home and your kids are strung out on drugs. Rick’s says you do not need free welfare programs or foods stamps or medical assistance …. That’s your problem …. Rick says buck up and deal with it!

The government should not be providing for its citizens!!!!! America’s REAL problem is the fact that your morals are not the same as Rick’s. YES ….. when Rick is President, we will all become Christians with strict moral values and PORN IS OUT!!!! You cannot be watching that stuff on TV or the internet or in a movie or magazine. SO censorship is what the government should really be doing. After all, we should be in church, those slags will have to get off their birth control and have babies as GOD intended, …. Everyone should only be having sex if they are married anyway …… and we shall ship all those Gays off to Samoa because they should not be mixing with us God fearing people. THIS will repair things in America …. wave your flags now! ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜

And speaking of terrorists is not their war on Americans ….. I’m not a political analyst just an observer ….. based on religious morals? Who is to say whose morals are God’s preferred? RICK?

Sometimes Rick and his idealized scruples just need to shut-up!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Fresh from a weekend of girlfriends, cocktails, food, games, food, cocktails, gossip, food, cocktails, music, cocktails, food & my favorite ..... every one's cocktail-food ..... shrimp! So, after eating my share of the succulent platter and thinking all that could possibly happen is elevated cholesterol ... I just by chance RE-read an article I forgot all about: The Five Grossest Things You Can Eat! You guess it, smack in the middle of that list is shrimp! Having two little beady eyes looking at you and a slimy black vein to remove are the least of the gross issue.

What makes them so gross they are one of the grossiest things? Most of the thin shelled ones are imported from "farms" overseas .... hmmmmmm could that be China ..... whose tanks are plied with chemicals to disinfect their filthy farming pens. Add to that our pinky friends are also snacking on and swimming in Rat turds and bugs. Yummy! Only 20% of the farmed imports are even inspected!!! .... WTF??? You want better .... there is better ...say it ... say it ... say it with me now .... DOMESTIC !!!! That's right the best and safest is home grown from the Gulf. When will we learn to eat what's in our own backyards. Sigh!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I’m still tired from "Girlfriend" weekend this past week soooooo… I'm just taking the easy way out … to show I am alive also … just going to wish Happy Birthday to obscure celebs today …… see if you can remember where you saw them before:

Our first birthday girl would have been 96 today. Where oh .... oh where have you seen her?

On the right, this Birthday boy is 66 ...he is .... he is ... he is ... I'm not telling ... yet!

Here is our Birthday Boy on the left: ... com'on you know that face! He is 54 today if that helps! Where did you first see him? Hmmmmmmmm .......


VIRGINIA GREGG ........ famous character actress in both TV and a few movies of the 50's-80's ... was the voice of Norman Bates mother in Psycho I, II & III, appeared on Dragnet 13 x's, Gunsmoke 7x's, Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock presents, and every other TV show in between.

MARTIN KOVE ....... most famous for being the "chauvinist pig" of Cagney and Lacey and the bad guy in The Karate Kid movies

EDDIE DEEZEN .... most famous for "Eugene" in Grease!