Sunday, March 28, 2010


Yesterday was “Earth Hour” ….What ? … I know, it does seem the day or in this case the hour gets very little media coverage. How can you make a statement when no one is listening … or should I say watching. Let me spread some info for future celebrations:

Earth Hour started in 2007 when 2.2 million residents of Sydney, Australia turned off their non-essential lights for one hour demonstrating the need for climate change control measures. It is now a global event held on the last Saturday in March, 8:30-9:30 pm - your local time. Throughout the world this year not only did regular everyday "Joes" turn out their lights but so did the most famous ancient and modern landmarks including:

The Acropolis in Athens
Arc de Triomphe and Eiffel Tower in Paris
Big Ben ... no not that one … although someone should shut him off... in London
Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro
Chrysler and Empire Buildings in New York City
Colosseum in Rome
Kremlins in Russia
Taj Mahal in Agra
Pyramids of Giza
Towers in Dubai
Forbidden City in Beijing
Sydney Opera House
Niagara Falls ….. and many many many more!!!!

This year the day/hour may have almost gone unannounced by the media BUT now you know when it is and can celebrate the day like a holiday. This could be a the GREATEST holiday of them all ... no presents to shop for ... no relatives over for ham ... years away before becoming a Hallmark moment ... and its only an hour!
Happy Earth Hour everyone!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

CONSTANCE McMILLIAN ... go have fun girl!

I have been following the story of gay teen Constance McMillian in Mississippi. Constance wanted to bring her girlfriend to her senior prom. Before that could happen the School District issued a policy that all dates must be of the opposite sex. The ACLU began fighting the issue for Constance. So, when the school district’s head dim-wits poked their toothless faces out from under their white hoods and found themselves backed into a outhouse corner so far in the boondocks even Big Foot had problems smelling them, the district retaliated and cancelled the prom. They cancelled the prom rather than allow something their backwoods mentality could not comprehend. By doing this they showed every child in the school district how to deal with prejudice. Squash it! "Yeah, ….spit ….. we aren goin’ to cancel’r that there fancy dance ‘cause …’cause … it will stop people from being one of dem dere gays … maybe it’r work on bein’ black ….. orn better yet a dem der liberals. "

No surprise ... a US District judge ruled in Constance’s favor. Unfortunately, since her classmates were punished for her natural right to be gay, Constance does not feel welcome at the private prom now being held for her senior class. I hope she changes her mind. The pains and joys of High School senior year are only once. GOOD LUCK TO YOU CONSTANCE ..... there is another world out there!
Photo credit: AP – FILE

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A full night of "Dancing With The Stars"....

In order to check my earlier predictions, I actually suffered through an installment of DWTS last night …… okay I was flipping back and forth in between Carrie Ann’s (the “Paula” of the show I gathered) observations …… So, now that I’ve seen all the “stars” dance I can now make a more well-informed educated guesstimate and I will admit I was wrong on a few initially:

Buss Aldrin – As suspected he is not much of a dancer but he attempted to CHaCHa! .... Good for for him! .... Still a sentimental favorite and judging by the other blogs … HE AIN’T GOIN’ NO WHERES. ...... Hell, if I had actually voted he would have gotten my votes!...... Staying with orginal: Out week 3 or 4 maybe even as late as 6.

Pamela AndersonAhhhhhh ….WOW!!!!! I don’t think she hit it technically but this mama can shake it! Pam is a performer and lit up the stage ….. with a hint of modesty at that …. old folks like modesty …. I think she surprised many people. I’m going with my second possibility here: Close to Final 3 if she keeps it up!

Erin Andrews - Okay so Erin does NOT have two left feet but, I found her a little annoying. I’m taking her down a notch out: week 6 or 7.

Shannen Doherty – She was a sweetheart and won some hearts last night saying she was here for "Daddy". I think she succeeded in shaking off a little tabloid veneer tonight …. just what she needed to do ….. Sticking with: out week 5 or 6.

Kate GosselinOMG!!!! … she was worse than hoped! As I said before ABC is obviously using her tabloid media magnet for ratings. I did not see it ….. I was probably watching "The Big Bang Theory" ….. but, I read the blogs that stated ABC USED a picture of her kids when they showed her voting number. So she DID hawk out the kids for her first TV venture on her own ... the woman is shameless!!!! Khate proved once again she will use those kids to her advantage no matter. Did they show anyone else children by the way? ….. I thought NOT! GET RID OF THIS PIMPING TALENTLESS HO! Out by week 2. PAHLEEEEEESE!!!!

Evan Lysacek – He wasn’t as excellent as I thought he would be. Hmmmmm …. I’m holding back my winner crown here … he may get better though …. he will however be in the Final 3!

Nicey Nash – Nicey DID surprise. She was dancing for all those little cubby little girls who got pulled from the dance lineup. Go Nicey ….Go Nicey ….doing the cabbage patch …. Go Nicey …. I’m leaving her where I predicted: Out week 7 or 8.

Chad Ochocino – He had style, he had grace, he was THERE …. I’m staying with: Out week 6 or 7

Jake Pavelka – He was okaaaaay. Much room for improvement but, the tabloids are at the door calling him a dirt bag, quickly losing him a fan base. I’ll change it up a little: out week 3 or 4.

Nicole Scherzinger – Technically, artistically, and likeable. She may have it in the bag. Undeniably deserves to be: Final 3

Aiden Turner – Here is where I went sooooo wrong …. There is no way he is making the final 3. As a matter of fact, he maybe the first to GO!

Monday, March 15, 2010


(Credit: Mark Seliger/GQ)

Now, we all know Americans are a forgiving and forgetful bunch. Lately in every recent public scandal there is a telling of sides and a plea of support via the press conference …. Tiger ….. the apology on a prime time news show … Chris Brown … or the late night venue ... Letterman. The public at least gives thought of re-acceptance. So, the lesson here is there is a way to do it BUT …. THIS ISN’T IT! The only thought I’m having about now is “delusional slut”.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Our cable provider for the last few years has been “updating” the system. In other words we were paying the same but losing channels. Finally they took so many channels away we broke down and choose a new package a few weeks ago.

Since hooking up my new digital cable box, I have been playing catch up with my “Ghost” programs. “Ghost Hunters” on SyFy is one I missed the most and the longest! Last night was a full line-up of repeats and a new episode. My interest was peaked by the repeat more than the new episode …. Which featured Fort Ticonderoga …… let me catch you up … not much happen …. In the repeat, the team visited the house of Doctor Samuel Mudd … hit the link … look him up …. won’t hurt it’s a history lesson ……. During the visit the team captured a disembodied voice/EVP saying … or so they tell me it said …”I’m not guilty”. I’ve heard some of these EVP voice recordings before on this show … and others … I mostly find them indistinct as proof for paranormal existance.

As for evidence searching goes I've been to Gettysburg quite a few times in the previous Fall seasons. I have found "orbs" on pictures I took at the Daniel Lady Farm on a ghost hunt with "The Ghosts of Gettysburg" tour company. One evening during one of our visits myself, oldest daughter and hubby went out on the battlefield ... Devil's Den to be precise. We heard the legend where cameras are often batted out of people's hands when trying to photograph a certain spot where a famous photo is taken. Brave daughter dear took the picture .... while I cowered behind .... and basically nothing happen.

Next time I do go on a ghost hunt I want to try the EVP and see what I get …. Someday … I want a bunch of people to go with me …. mostly for protection ….. MY protection, I’m a scaredy cat … but I want to find out if this stuff is for real …. Who wants to come? If nothing else at least we will receive a history lesson.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm BUSY tonight!!!!

I have been watching the Oscars since I was 10 years old. I’ve missed a few here and there but, I’m always excited to see who wins, who’s there and what they wear! The most memorable bad outfit for me is undoubtly the swan worn by singer/songwriter Bjork in 2001. No one has had this much bad taste since. Let’s hope all the stars do not “Bjork” this year.

This year, I have not seen any of the nominees! ….. How did that happen? ..... I’ll catch up later I guess … I saw last year’s winner …. “Slum Dog Millionaire” ……. afterward also. I would like to see Meryl Streep and Jeff Bridges win. I don't care which movie wins just so it is NOT "AVATAR". I dis-like James Cameron and his "I made the best movie" superior attitude.

So, don’t bother me this evening I’ll be busy!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

JFK Airport Control Tower: “No Buddy here, just us kids!”

Last month (FEBRUARY) during a winter break in the NYC school system, a child was heard clearing planes for takeoff from the control tower at JFK. The five taped transmissions were posted on a Web site for air traffic control listening buffs. Within the audio clips a boy can be heard saying in one exchange, "JetBlue 171 contact departure." The undaunted pilot responded, "Over to departure JetBlue 171, awesome job."

The pilot said: “awesome job” ? Hmmmm …. I going to hazard a guess and say this is NOT the first time a child has been at the helm of a control tower. Follow me here ….. The fourth Thursday in April is National “Bring Your Daughter/Son to Work Day”. How many children are in control towers on THAT day I wonder? I don’t think this is the first time this has happen. I believe it to be the first time anyone raised an alarm.

The Federal Aviation Administration ….. covering their butts ….. stated they are investigating.

OH ... ahhhh … Candice, by the way, wasn’t that flight I booked for you on a JetBlue from JKF?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


They announce the “Stars”(?) for DWTS. If you do not know what the initials DWTS mean, then let me help you get that rock off your back. I’m not a fan of the DWTS show. Not that I don’t like it, I just don’t care. The B-list and washed up celebs that make-up most of the cast do not interest me. I have to admit, I watched the end show last season. I only watched because I had a school girl crush on Donny and HE WON!!!!!!! ... doin' my in your face dance ..... Frankly, I also have to admit Joanna(?) was the better of the two technically.

How did Donny win then? Donny deserved the win because he is a showman. ....And .... Well …. its because old folks watch DWTS. Its true! According to …. Go to archives …… last season the coveted 18-49 year demographics that TV execs strive for did not even have this show in their top 20 most weeks. Yet, DWTS is a top 10 ratings buster in overall viewership. That means who pushes it to the top is … the old folks. That’s why Donny Osmond, a 52 year old pop singer from the 60’s/70’s won. OLD FOLKS RULE HERE!

So, I know how the show voting works. Even without having to watch it, I can predict the winner. HOW? By previous season’s hype and recaps everywhere …TV, print, Internet ….. I have been subjected to over the years and can’t escape, I know what the old folks are voting for and shall make the following predictions this season:

Buss Aldrin – Sentimental favorite & national hero. Obviously, at 80 years old …and looking pretty good I must say …… will he, can he keep up with the “young-ins”? I expect him to stick around for a little while. Don’t forget old folks watch this show. They will vote for one of their own: Out week 3 or 4 maybe even as late as 6.

Pamela Anderson – I’ve seen her strut her stuff on runways, swing on stripper poles and run down sandy beaches but can she hold her own on the dance floor? We know she will look good in the costumes! Ask any 70 year old guy and he knows who she is. Pam is maybe the biggest star power in this overall line-up. For that alone: Out week 4 or 5; maybe even final 3 if she can actually dance!

Erin Andrews - America’s “Sexist Sportscaster”. But can she dance? Nothing in her bios can tell you. What it does tell you: she is an athlete. Basketball to be precise. So, she’ll have the conditioning …. She already has the bod …… she has a fan base ……. she is on a sports channel. I see her hanging around like the other athletes. Old people like wholesome athletes, unless she has two left feet: 2 or 3 if she does; maybe as long as 7 or 8 if she doesn’t

Shannen Doherty – Shannen is a sweet face known as a bad girl. She has the reputation that she gets along with no one after a while. Her star power probably rates as high as Pam’s though. Shannen also has stayed out of the tabloids for something despicable in the last few months …. I think? She was a child actress and those old folks probably remember her from “Little House on the Prairie” days. If she truly is a reformed “Train Wreck”: Out week 5 or 6; week 1 or 2 if the train is still chugging.

Kate GosselinAnnnnd speaking of “train wrecks” , the biggest reality whore of the year made the cut! ABC is obviously looking for some ratings by having this, much viled by the general TV public, creature included. At least she did not hawk out the kids for her first TV venture on her own. Oh wait … this IS Kate Gosselin …. so be sure to tune in when she parades them across the stage for the sympathy vote ... but old folks are on to that stuff. Judging by those cankles, I’d say just like her career there is little or no dance talent evident. The Khaters club may keep her around for few laughs. Her desperate little fan base might be able to keep her going for a while but with so few of them ….. not for long: out week 2 or 3 if Kate’s fans can figure out how to vote; 1 or 2 if they can’t.

Evan Lysacek – What can I say …. hot off a recently televised gold medal win in the Olympics …. maligned by an evil narcissistic Russian … Putin or Plushenko, take your pick …… hot bod …. love story of two Olympic sweetheart champions going on AND well know for artistic talent AND more importantly the old folks know him: Final 3 …. actually THE WINNER!

Nicey Nash – Nicey has quite a little fan base going with all the feature roles in TV and movies. From her web site she states she received her inspiration to become an entertainer as an ardent admirer of Lola Falana. Old people know who Lola is … use it Nicey! Lola is a dancer so, I’m gonna say Nicey had a few dance lessons replicating the career of her idol or just had some natural talent .... unlike other people in the line-up. Either way Nicely will surprise: Out week 7 or 8.

Chad Ochocino – I don’t know why but athletes ….. good or bad as dancers ……. stick around on this show. Ochocino is a wide receiver. I can’t say I’ve seen him play. I do however have this vision ….. being from Pittsburgh ….. in remembering Steeler wide receiver Lynn Swann … old folks do too …. taking ballet lessons to improve his game. SO, putting that in the mix; wide receivers = a pretty graceful bunch: Out week 6 or 7

Jake Pavelka – Fresh off a highly rated “The Bachelor” …. another show I try not to watch! Does he have any “loyal” type fan base though? He is another reality whore … and an ABC’s whore at that ……. in my book that equals no actual star power. Do old folks even watch the bachelor? Unless he has some hidden dance talent I don’t know about: Out 3 or 4 if he does; 1 or 2 if he doesn’t.

Nicole Scherzinger – Never knew her name till now. Then again, I’m not a fan of the “Pussycat Dolls” of which she was a member of. I’ve heard of them, just don’t ask me one of their hits. What I do know about the Pussycat Dolls is they can dance, sing and look good on stage. Even though the old folks have probably never heard of her either she undoubtly has some sort of talent. It may actually be unfair to the others that she is competing. Old folks are fair and recognize talent! This girl is going nowhere for a while: Final 3

Aiden Turner – A soap opera star. Hmmmm ….. I don’t know …. very good looking though …… sophisticated British accent ……. could be a dark horse …. Men really do not really need to do much in these dance teams …. Looks like he has dancer’s bod .… may remind old folks of Bond ....... James Bond: Final 3

(AP Photo/David J. Phillip, file)