Saturday, April 14, 2012

IRRITATING CRAP MY HUSBAND DOES ...... or the husband who won't use Tupperware .... a working title!


THE God Of Organization .... G.O.O. for short ... and chief inspector of health around here, refuses to learn how to use the Tupperware. Before I married him I owned almost every storage container Tupperware made. I'm now a Ziploc goddess but I kept the one thing no one else could make like Tupperware .... THE LETTUCE KEEPER!!! It really really really works in keeping the lettuce fresh. However, I can't convince my GOO to ever use it. Wha? ... brown and wilty not appetizing?

Ah well, since I'm into the phytonutrients now so, I don't eat iceberg anymore anyways .... happy eating GOO!


  1. Oh you kids and your containers. And I think this is definitely the first and last time I'll ever see/hear someone refer to themselves as a "ziploc goddess."

  2. Whaa? I'm also the "Goddess of Construction" at work don't forget!


I am not a prudey girl but, keep it somewhat clean. Of course, stay on topic unless, "DUH", it is an OPEN post. No threats or disparaging remarks to those that disagree with you. Silly and redundant comments going to a place where the post was not intended will be deleted. Good old "Common Sense" is always welcome! If you are having trouble defining Common Sense then maybe this is not the place for YOU!