Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Van der Sloot wanted by Interpol

According to the Associated Press Joran Vander Sloot is currently being sought by Interpol with a warrant for his arrest in connection with a murder of a woman in Peru on May 30. May 30 is also the five year anniversary of his involvement in Natalie Hollaway disappearance in Aruba.

Van der Sloot is suspected of fleeing Peru by land into Chile. Stay tune ..........

1 comment:

  1. Exulted to see this sociopath is out of the resorts he trawls and in a jail cell benefiting him.


I am not a prudey girl but, keep it somewhat clean. Of course, stay on topic unless, "DUH", it is an OPEN post. No threats or disparaging remarks to those that disagree with you. Silly and redundant comments going to a place where the post was not intended will be deleted. Good old "Common Sense" is always welcome! If you are having trouble defining Common Sense then maybe this is not the place for YOU!