Sunday, September 2, 2012

WHEN U DIE .... deep thoughts

Okay I admit I had a few drinks tonight and being a holiday I had my father over who loves nothing more than reminiscing about his younger days .... he got me thinking ....... aside from the remember when, what and who stories do you ever think about who will remember YOU when you are gone?  How many lives can I touch before I'm gone, enough that they would want to "come visit me"? DEEEP STUFF MAN!!!

My maternal and paternal grandmother have me and my children.  My grandfather .... on mom's side ... had her and her brother .... both now gone and I never met my Mom's dad. I know where he is buried 'cause Mom  took me there in my preteen years. Do my cousins know where this place is? They were closer to him but I went there after my mom died and could tell, no one has been there in years. His flat heastone was nearly grown over by the lawn. My dad ..... who was with me ..... and I ripped it all back to reveal his stone again with our bare hands ..... kinda creepy ehh?

WHO will come visit ME?

1 comment:

  1. This post reminds had another free weekend and I dug up some goodies about our relatives :) I will have to share!

    Sad that no one visits your Pappy anymore, but I guess that stuff doesn't really matter to him now! Like you said to me, "It's more for the living." He's at peace, but it's nice that you did some gardening for him!


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