Friday, September 28, 2012


I've been very busy lately with my "HARVEST MOON" dinner tomorrow night.  Oh yes, Saturday, September 29th is a Harvest Moon .... and what is a HARVEST MOON DINNER? Something I started with my family .... actually it is supposed to be any FULL MOON that falls on a weekend ..... an excuse to get together with family and friends. I'll fess up .... I actually saw the idea in Better Homes & Gardens years ago. Everyone looked so festive ...... in the posed pictures .......  to be out in the crisp autumn evening air ...... probably freezing their asses off ......... 

As I have said before, Fall is my favorite season! And it is quite possible I decorate more for Fall than Christmas  ..... wellllll there is that (2) tree thing going on in my home ..... regardless my Fall Harvest decor will be up for 2+ months.


  1. I LOVE that painting at the top - is that the same artist that you get calendars of all the time? And I think you have some pictures up around the house of that person too. And I definitely have the second from the bottom picture as my desk top. Probably a Martha or Better Homes and Gardens. It's so cozy and rustic, yet spooky!

    Jealous that I'm missing out on the party. As long as everyone dresses appropriately, y'all should be fine with the fire going. Maybe have some blankets handy! Have fun, Mah! You always throw a great party!

  2. I believe it is a Charles Wysocki painting

  3. I think second from the bottom is Country Living Mag


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